[LF 1026] Sub. Code: 4732 Q.P. Code : 664732
B.Sc (Nursing) Degree Examination Final Year Paper II
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Community Health Nursing - II
August 2014
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. a) Define Primary Health Care.
b) Principles of Primary Health Care.
c) Explain the functions of Primary Health Care.
2. a) Define Occupational Health Service.
b) Explain in detail about occupational Hazards and role of Community health nurse in its prevention.
II. Write Notes on: (5X 5 = 25)
1. Components of school health programme
2. Epidemiological Approach
3. Mid-day Meal Programme
4. Pulse Polio Immunization Programme
5. Maternal mortality
III. Short Answer Questions: (10X 2 = 20)
1. Define Home Visit
2. Define Epidemiology
3. Indicators of malnutrition
4. Vital Components of ORS
5. List out any four Voluntary Health Agencies
6. Explain - GOBBIF
7. Write the objectives of RNTCP
8. Define vital statistics
9. Write standing order for diarrhea
10.Write any four preventive measures of Dengue.
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